CMI’s American Dream® Promo Extends to Cherries

CMI Orchards, Wenatchee, Wash., is extending the American Dream retail program from apples to cherries.

The American Dream promotion kicks off on July 4 and runs through the end of the month, when Northwest cherry production is at its peak.

American Dream-themed packaging will be for a new five-kilogram lid for exports, and an 18-20-pound lid for the U.S. market, according to a news release.

The program debuted at the industry Produce Marketing Association’s Fresh Summit expo in October, with retailers receiving the packaging for apples in November to coincide with Memorial Day, George Harter, vice president of marketing, said in the release.

“We experienced tremendous momentum and support for this program with apples and adding cherries just makes sense — especially with stores looking to continue American Dream promotions into the summer,” Harter said in the release.

Rochelle Bohm, brand manager at CMI Orchards, suggests retailers stack the colorful boxes to create a patriotic “billboard,” an eye-catching display that can boost sales.

“We’re eager to work with retailers to set up American Dream promotions this summer,” Bohm said in the release. “With Independence Day hitting prime cherry season where volumes will be ramping up, retailers can use the boxes to drive even more of those important impulse cherry purchases in stores for holiday promotions and throughout the summer selling months.”

Article by Chris Koger, The Packer


CMI Orchards Expands American Dream® Retail Program to Cherries